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“Many a truth are said in jest” – Dead Wordsmith

In this era of rapid consumption news stories where the truth seems to have been eviscerated from the body of reality, leaving behind a lifeless husk animated by special interest groups, where can we turn for a pulse on what may or may not be bull shit?

Fox news has proven itself time and time again to be both unfair and unbalanced.

CNN, The BBC and any other major media news source all cater to one group or another, and Da Internetz is full of gems, both diamond and cubic zirconium, depending upon your point of view.. So where can we go for a dose of unabashed truth?


A lot has been made of the upcoming election… and the three things you seldom discuss, even amongst friends, is Religion, Politics, and who won, Jay-z or Nas.

From the historic ramifications to the current state of affairs, the plummeting economy and of course the quagmire in the middle east. Where can we go for an unabashed look at what we’ve gotten ourselves into?

Certain comedians, with their satirical spin act as modern day bards… traveling and spewing what they believe to be true.. some are closer than others. Again however.. this is a matter of opinion.


  1. Yo Word I always hear Bill Maher going in.

    Niggas love to not know the answer to your question- Chris Rock

    this clip is the truth, Word to my 13yrd old cousin who reads on a 2nd grade level. Real Talk my daughter who is 5 has a better command of sounding out words. But thats because I read to her daily and answer all her questions. While my little cuzzo is on the street getting his Flip Game up and his parents being immigrants from Mexico who wouldnt know SAT from THC!

  2. dope post and co-sign

    comedians at least the good ones just speak the truth but they put a funny spin on it, but if you break the shit down all they are doing is pointing out facts in an intelligently entertaining, whether it’s George Carlin, Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle ( they are all in the discussion for G.O.A.T. ) and it’s because they speak truths that we can all relate to.

    ” Cause the owners of this country know the truth, it’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it ” (c) George Carlin


    Gospel, chhhhhuuccchhh taber-NACLE

  3. Nice post, BK. But, yeah, Chappelle doesn’t belong anywhere near the Stand Up Comedy GOAT list. Putting him with Carlin, Pryor, or Murphy is like putting DMX on your top 5. I can name a dozen comedians more talented than Chappelle. PEACE!

  4. George speakin’ some tru shit

    ^word to 2012.

    yo for all you numbskulls with wifey and baby mommas dont forget mothers day is fast approaching.

  5. Nice post, BK. But, yeah, Chappelle doesn’t belong anywhere near the Stand Up Comedy GOAT list. Putting him with Carlin, Pryor, or Murphy is like putting DMX on your top 5. I can name a dozen comedians more talented than Chappelle. PEACE!

    ^Rey its just cause you really dont understand Dhappelles brand of humor. Have you heard illmatic yet?

  6. Ah, cOLD. You never cease to be the pebble in my shoe. I get Chappelle’s humor, and I think his SHOW was very clever. His STAND UP, on the other hand, is average and almost devoid of genuine wit. Don’t let your Chappelle’s Show boner override your good judgment. Also, That’s a No on the Illmatic. Wanna make a Big Hat joke too since you’re trolling the ‘Stopped Being Funny 8 Months Ago’ bin?

  7. I saw on BBC news today that some dude grew a finger ……..wow real talk he sprinkled some scientific shit on it and it grew back, asymetrical to his opposite hand’s finger

  8. I don’t think any southern rapper could handle those Illmatic beats. They’d sound retarded. They’d end up chopping and screwing It Ain’t Hard To Tell and then I’d get thrown in jail for killing someone.

  9. A clearly drunken/drugged Rey says : Ah, cOLD. You never cease to be the pebble in my shoe. I get Chappelle’s humor, and I think his SHOW was very clever. His STAND UP, on the other hand, is average and almost devoid of genuine wit. Don’t let your Chappelle’s Show boner override your good judgment. Also, That’s a No on the Illmatic. Wanna make a Big Hat joke too since you’re trolling the ‘Stopped Being Funny 8 Months Ago’ bin?


    you must be out your god damn mind Killin them softly = top 5 stand up routines ever EASY , theres no way you can watch that and say his shit is devoid genuine wit, don’t let the Chappelle show fool you into thinking Killing them softly ain’t classic

  10. I’ve seen Killing Me Softly and I saw the special he did in San Francisco and I wasn’t impressed. His punchlines were predictable and not that funny. His loud shoutty voice is funny, but his actual material isn’t. Steven Wright > Dave Chappelle.

  11. #
    Farouq Obama May 1st, 2008 at 10:41 pm 18

    BTW the girl with two faces means twice the lips twice the pleasure. Double Mint GUm

    ^ lmao..
    *envisions fuxie saying “baby , blow me with your left side tonight, that way ill feel like im cheating but not really cheating”*

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