Scarface isn’t the best movie of all time.


Despite what every rapper that has ever been on MTV Cribs has said.. NO.. ‘Scarface’ is NOT the greatest movie of all time..

While I can certainly appreciate the movie –and enjoy it very much if I happen to sit down for the 3 hours plus it takes to watch it– I haven’t been convinced that this is The greatest movie of all time. The general consensus on that one is Citizen Kane (I saw it in film class back in the day… something about camera angles and shit).

Now not to compare ‘Scarface’ to shit that we can’t relate to, but I think the movie isn’t even the best in its own genre. In my opinion ‘Blood In Blood Out’ is superior to ‘Scarface’ in many ways. For one thing, the realistic nature of the story, yea I know ‘Scarface’ is meant to be over the top, all Say Hello To My Little Friend (pause) but ‘Blood In Blood Out’ goes over the span of a group of cousins’ lifetime examining the ups and downs of various choices.

I’m reluctant to post a scene from ‘Blood In Blood Out’ here simply because of the whole Spoilers shit.. but either you’ll go watch it, have seen it, or don’t really care. I mean the shit’s been out since the 80’s.

[minnosh_ext_youtube url=”″ width=”400″ height=”215″ autoplay=”0″][/minnosh_ext_youtube]

Something about that scene to me, captures the malicious nature of a hardened upbringing, claiming land if only in principle to mark where you are and more importantly who you are.

Maybe rappers try to identify with ‘Scarface’ so much to the point of romanticism because they hope to be similarly as relevant as he was in the film and hope that their demise, whether artistically or actually, is as epic and memorable as Mr. Montana’s. In the end though, the hero, or in this case anti-hero, dies alone and it feels for obvious reasons very cinematic. ‘Blood In Blood Out’ is real in the context of how the characters are portrayed at movies end. Sometimes it isn’t about success or failure but merely maintaining.

Point is.. Try and see the damn movie.

P.s. I could have easily argued the counter point. It’s all about perspective.

  1. FIRST!!

    Scarface, is in no way a GOOD movie from a cinematic movies making standpoint. From a campy, fun forever quotable stand point it is a cult classic.

  2. FIRST!!

    Scarface, is in no way a GOOD movie from a cinematic movies making standpoint. From a campy, fun forever quotable stand point it is a cult classic.

  3. word good post and co-sign on Scarface being mad overrated I’m it’s great for it’s comedic value but it’s really just got a couple of rally great scenes with hilarious one liners and phrases and lets face it Pacino is as entertaining as it gets, but it’s not even a top 10 movie to me

    I’m pretty sure I saw Blood In Blood Out when I was young but I don’t really remember it but I’ll make sure to check for it

    personally if you ask me Usual Suspects is the best movie ever point blank per-iod…it gets better everytime

  4. word good post and co-sign on Scarface being mad overrated I’m it’s great for it’s comedic value but it’s really just got a couple of rally great scenes with hilarious one liners and phrases and lets face it Pacino is as entertaining as it gets, but it’s not even a top 10 movie to me

    I’m pretty sure I saw Blood In Blood Out when I was young but I don’t really remember it but I’ll make sure to check for it

    personally if you ask me Usual Suspects is the best movie ever point blank per-iod…it gets better everytime

  5. and smh @ Greenie for bringing that FIRST! garbage over here….see what happens when you take the South places….can’t take them anywhere

  6. and smh @ Greenie for bringing that FIRST! garbage over here….see what happens when you take the South places….can’t take them anywhere

  7. I saw Blood In Blood Out years ago, nearly forgot about it but it was a very good movie. But in my opinion (which carries a lot of weight in my house) the best movie I have ever seen has got to be Shawshank Redemption. The writing is off the hook. The acting is great. The characters are well developed. It’s the only movie I can sit thur for 3 hours that has no crazy over the top action scenes. It’s simply an intelligent film. If you haven’t seen it you might want to stop off at block buster tonight.

    Runners up:
    2. Bamboozled
    3. Godfather pt. 1

  8. I saw Blood In Blood Out years ago, nearly forgot about it but it was a very good movie. But in my opinion (which carries a lot of weight in my house) the best movie I have ever seen has got to be Shawshank Redemption. The writing is off the hook. The acting is great. The characters are well developed. It’s the only movie I can sit thur for 3 hours that has no crazy over the top action scenes. It’s simply an intelligent film. If you haven’t seen it you might want to stop off at block buster tonight.

    Runners up:
    2. Bamboozled
    3. Godfather pt. 1

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