Radio DJ Mister Cee in second male prostitute arrest

Mister Cee

Calvin LeBrun, better known as Mister Cee to radio listeners, was busted by police a second time after approching an undercover cop posing as a male prostitute on Thursday (May 2).

From the New York Daily News:

Popular Hot 97 deejay “Mister Cee” was busted trying to pick up a male prostitute in Brooklyn, cop sources said.

But Cee, 46, whose real name is Calvin LeBrun, didn’t know that the gigolo he approached at Madison St. and Broadway in Bushwick just before midnight on Thursday was really an undercover cop, the sources said.

The music man — who emerged into the hip-hop world as Big Daddy Kane’s deejay and later produced Notorious B.I.G.’s first album, “Ready to Die” — was charged with patronizing a prostitute. He was waiting to be arraigned on Saturday.

It’s not the first time the deejay has been cuffed for playing with prostitutes.

Cee pled guilty in 2011 to a charge of loitering for the purpose of engaging in prostitution after he was arrested for receiving oral sex from another man in a parked car.

by: Joe Kemp

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