“A mans LIFE IS AT STAKE. We out here fighting for you King!!! Stay encouraged and know that God has the final say!!! We cannot allow Alabama to execute this man!!” T.I. wrote. “He did not fire a shot … He surrendered to authorities. ALL FAIR AND DECENT HUMANS SHOULD ACT NOW!!”
Woods was convicted of murdering three police officers and injuring a fourth in Alabama in 2004. He was convicted, although witnesses stated Woods was not the man behind the trigger. At the time of his trial Woods, according to family members, received terrible legal advice, accepting a plea deal without a proper understanding of the accomplice law.
Under Alabama’s the accomplice law, code 13A-2-23, a person is legally accountable for the behavior of another person if he or she “procures, induces or causes such other person to commit the offense.”
Martin Luther King III was also advocating for a stay on the execution and a review of Woods’ case. His attempted to see Woods were denied.
The pleas from King, T.I., other celebrities, and Woods’ family fell on deaf ears as Woods’s stay of execution was denied. He was executed and pronounced dead Thursday, March 5, 2020, at 8:38 pm.