When it rains, it pours, but for Wendy Williams, the sun is finally shining.
Following years of real and alleged allegations of her husband sleeping around with other women, Williams finally gave cheating husband the boot. While the divorce has not been finalized, things are increasingly looking bad for the man formerly know as Mr. Wendy Williams (legally known as Kevin Hunter).
Hunter is soaking wet right now. The latest in bad news? He was fired from The Wendy Williams Show last week. He had been an executive producer on the popular gossip show, which is hosted by his estranged wife. As of Friday, April 19, Hunter’s name had been scrubbed from the show’s end credits.

Things are only going to get worse from here for Hunter. Williams had been financing his very lavish lifestyle (which included wining and dining mistresses), that’s come to a full stop – it’s reported Hunter purchased a Ferrari for his side piece earlier this month, only to have the car repo-ed shortly after he was served with divorce papers. Williams has even hired extra security to keep Hunter away from her.
Hunter probably got a nice severance package on his exit from the show, and he’ll probably get a nice sum in the divorce. But there’s nothing better than residual money. Now that he’s off the show, that stops. And it remains to be seen what a divorce settlement will look like since he broke the marriage vows AND had a baby with his mistress.