Jimmy Fallon Booted From Pizza Parlor

Jimmy Fallon

A New York pizza shop gave “Late Night” host Jimmy Fallon the cold shoulder over the weekend when he attempted to dine with family members.

Fallon, who took over hosting duties on NBC’s “Late Night” from Conan O’Brien, —along with his wife, her brother and two children— was denied service at Posto Pizza in Gramercy Park. Turns out a Posto’s sister restaurant, Spunto, was the butt of one of Fallon’s jokes, he once said Spunto’s food would “win a Ritz cracker pizza contest”. That apparently didn’t go over too well with the people at Posto.

NY Post’s Page Six quotes a source as saying, “The hostess who asked him to leave was seemingly gleeful about it. Jimmy is never going back to Posto.”

Fallon wasn’t too pleased about the incident. His spokesperson told the tabloid, “Jimmy never said anything negative about Posto. He even recommended Posto as a favorite restaurant in an upcoming magazine article – though it’s no longer one of his favorites. Rest assured he won’t be going back.”

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