Columbia Pictures Planning ‘Bad Boys 3’

Bad Boys 2
Pictured above, Martin Lawrence and Will Smith in 2003’s Bad Boys 2. Columbia Pictures announces plans for Bad Boys 3

Columbia Pictures is moving forward with plans to release a second sequel to the 1995 film Bad Boys.

While the stars of the South Florida cop franchise, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, have not signed on to the project as yet, both have indicated a willingness to do a third film if the right script comes alone.

Writer Peter Craig is penning the script for Columbia. His credits include The Town, which will be directed by Ben Affleck and an adaptation of the anime hit Cowboy Bebop for 20th Century Fox and Keanu Reeves.

The original Bad Boys grossed $66 million domestically and $141 million worldwide and it’s 2003 sequel Bad Boys 2 grossed $138 million domestically and $273 million worldwide.

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