Prosecutors Seeking To Ban Wesley Snipes’ Overseas Travel

Wesley Snipes
Photo by World of Oddy

Federal prosecutors in Florida filed a motion with a Florida court on Tuesday (Mar. 24) seeking to restrict the travels of convicted tax cheat Wesley Snipes.

Snipes, who was convicted of three counts of willfully failing to file his income taxes and sentenced to a 3-year prison term in April ’08, has been allowed to remain free on $1 million bail while his case is in appeals but drew the scorn of the U.S. attorney’s office in Ocala, Florida after being photographed at a lavish $20 million party in Dubai for the opening of the Atlantis Hotel resort held in November 2008. Prosecutors said Snipes took a 2,000-mile flight from Thailand to Dubai to attend the party. A violation, prosecutors say, of the conditions of his bail.

Up till now Snipes had been allowed to travel abroad for work -with two of his movies “Gallowwalker” and “Chasing The Dragon” filming in Bangkok, Thailand and London- but prosecutors raised a fuss when the “Blade” star recently asked the court for permission to fly to Italy to shoot a new film and Namibia to reshoot scenes for “Gallowwalker.”

“Defendant Snipes abused the Court’s trust, and did so in a very public way. For that reason alone, the Court should deny his current request for international travel.” The federal prosecutors also asked that Snipes’ bond be revoked pending the appeal.

No word on when a judge will rule on the motion.

Wesley Snipes Sentenced to 3-Year Prison Term in Tax Case
Wesley Snipes Ordered to Foot the Bill for His Criminal Prosecution

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