Diddy gets dragged for censoring Lizzo’s Twerk

Sean 'Diddy' Combs
Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs
Sean 'Diddy' Combs
Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs
Social media was not happy with P. Diddy after he reportedly fat shamed Lizzo for twerking during his Instagram dance-a-thon party over the weekend.

Diddy stopped the music during his dance-off when Lizzo started twerking, angering a lot of fans.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. It’s Easter Sunday…. Let’s play something a little bit family-friendly”, he told Lizzo.

Diddy’s censoring would have been fine, it was Easter Sunday after all, but his aversion to sexy dancing wasn’t anywhere to be seen when Draya Michele was shaking her derriere on his IG Live,

”Yo, Draya, we’re proud of that. You killed that,” Diddy told her once the song ended. “I think that was one of the top performances.”

Fans took issue with that, and many saw Diddy’s Draya praise as hypocritical.

Diddy later tried to explain that he stopped Lizzo’s dancing because there was too much cursing in the song, but some fans pointed out that when Draya was playing Back that Azz Up, he said nothing.

“There’s one thing I want to make clear. My queen, my sister, Lizzo. When I stopped the music, it was ’cause it had a lot of curses in there.”

“Lizzo we love you, and everybody stop looking for the negative! Look for the positive.”

Puffy was holding the Easter dance-a-thon collect funds for coronavirus relief.

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