Kanye West Arrested in Airport Scuffle

MTV Times Square studio

California police arrested Kanye West and his road manager, Don Crowley, after the two got into a tug of war with a paparazzi over his camera.

The incident took place yesterday morning (Sept. 11) near the American Airlines terminal in L.A.X. Mr. West and Mr. Crowley were on their way to a security checkpoint when a photographer allegedly snapped two shots of them.

In retaliation, Mr. West reportedly grabbed the photog’s camera, valued at $10,000, and smashed it to the ground. See video below.

A well-placed TMZ cameraman just happened to be in the area and captured the entire incident on film (see video below). After realizing they were being filmed, Mr. Crowley made a grab for the video camera, breaking the microphone and viewfinder before airport security could intervene.

Allegedly, Mr. West had to be restrained by security while attempting to lunge after the TMZ cameraman who had captured his tussle with the paparazzi on video, yelling “Gimme that f***ing tape.”

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