Michael Jackson Needs Lung Transplant, Partially Blind

michael jackson

According to Ian Halperin, Michael Jackson’s biographer, the King of Pop is suffering from a number of potentially fatal health conditions and is in need of an immediate lung transplant.

Halperin tells In Touch magazine that Jackson, 50, has emphysema, chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, is legally blind in one eye and was diagnosed several years ago with Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, a genetic lung disorder that could take the singer’s life.

“He’s had [Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency] for years, but it’s gotten worse… The vision in his left eye is 95 percent gone. He needs a lung transplant but may be too weak to go through with it. He also has emphysema and chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, which his doctors have had a lot of trouble stopping. It’s the bleeding that is the most problematic part. It could kill him.”

But some are skeptical of Jackson’s condition, sighting the star’s past publicity stunts to drum up sympathy for himself.

While Jackson’s spokesman has yet to comment on the story, his brother Jermaine spoke to Fox News, telling the cable news network, “He’s not doing so well right now. This isn’t a good time.”

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