Music that is and similarly isn’t Hip Hop


It’s good to take a lil reprieve from the net, unplug and not pay attention to ya Gmail, Aim, RSS feed and what not for 24 hours. It recharges you and I recommend it. As long as you then proceed to log on and tell everyone you know in this life and the next about the Crack that is You’d think it would be something you have to freebase, but I digress.

So I look out the window today anticipating the 4-7 inches of snow we’re supposed to have and I don’t see a solitary flake. Muthafuckas must have forgotten in order for it to snow it must dip below 32 degrees. So I start getting ready for the week and shit and I throw on some music, and that music is rarely Hip Hop.

Since stating music that you like that isn’t Hip Hop is the new Hip Hop I thought I’d give you guys a lil run down on shit that I rock with when the occasion arises.

Now this is a true story..but when I was a kid there was this song that was always on the radio, that I didn’t know who sang it… nor did I know the name of the song, but it was always on the radio in my youth. Finding music before the internet became part of everyones life similar to breathing was a hard task.

Think Al Bundy. (watch the entire clip.. its worth it)
[youtube E76P-XtuLc0]

Married With Children top 5 shows Dead or Alive I might add.

But eventually I took myself down to Virgin records on 14th where they have damn near every record in existence.. Now my song wasn’t as obscure as my friend Al’s.. I just didn’t know the name. Eventually I spent 30 dollars on a double CD of George Michaels Greatest hits for

Careless Whisper (WHAT!! I like the song.. I also never saw the video before this post)
[youtube 1f-T2rSEBcs]

Hopefully leaving my swag intact after posting that.. I would play that before getting ready for work when I used to bounce at a strip club. Even funnier I was like 18-19 So i used to ride there on a bike. (the strippers called me Deebo from Friday.. good times)

Another song I payed a ridiculously high CD price for was this…

Pagliacci sung by The Late Pavarotti (it kicks in @ 1:06)

[youtube Ky271W94VHA]

See.. Alumnah is a cultural cornucopia of delectable digital delights. I spent like 50 dollars for that CD. again before downloading was readily available.. looking at the price proves Opera > Hip Hop.

For something more modern that I listen to, and trust me I’m not up on this artists catalog or any of that, but I personally think the video, chorus and melody of this song is SICK.

[youtube lPYZgwbqJ2Q]

For a more obscure artist that some or many of you may not know… 1 due to his only releasing one album.. 2 to the mishandling of his project by Epic records I now bring your attention to Glenn Lewis. I actually worked this project when I was at Epic, but didn’t listen to the album a full year and a half after I left them. Yea.. I lost. This song has been sung on many a night when I was in a mood of sorts. Shit I didn’t even know this song had a video until a few months ago and the album dropped 02-03. SMH @ me.

[youtube XwSehTXSMYc]

And lastly… but certainly not leastly.. Around the same time at Epic This CD was released. And the funny shit was I couldn’t even get a copy (the head of the rock dept was a dick… so for that I held on to all the bullet proof wallets FUCK EM) and I had to get a copy from my supervisor at Tommy “aint my muthafuckin” Boy Records.

[youtube EM6_Jlk6Reg]

True story.. I got twisted in Miami.. and sang this at a Karaoke spot out there. That same night 9pm was followed by 4am in a matter of minutes. I Still barely recalled what happened. Good times.

And there you have it.. some songs that aren’t Hip Hop, but if you listen to them it makes you THAT much more thoro.. This has been another BKScribe production.

  1. Yo Primero. Good ish my dude. That Careless Whisper takes me back, going to the laundramat(sp) with mom dukes in the late 80’s and the jukebox that played the back while the washing machines and dryers did their thing.

  2. Yo Primero. Good ish my dude. That Careless Whisper takes me back, going to the laundramat(sp) with mom dukes in the late 80’s and the jukebox that played the back while the washing machines and dryers did their thing.

  3. Yo man.. that song is the truth.. the shit is.. finding them gems from when you were a youngster.. i coulda did this post all on freestyle music alone.. thas a typical ny/mia and maybe chi town thing for ricans and italians.

  4. Yo man.. that song is the truth.. the shit is.. finding them gems from when you were a youngster.. i coulda did this post all on freestyle music alone.. thas a typical ny/mia and maybe chi town thing for ricans and italians.

  5. BK you already know how I feel about freestyle music. That ish plays a major role in Hispanic/Chicano Partys still till this day, homie.

  6. BK you already know how I feel about freestyle music. That ish plays a major role in Hispanic/Chicano Partys still till this day, homie.

  7. Alumnah is a cultural cornucopia of delectable digital delights.

    ^ mission statement!


    Crazy88 (holding Phuque @ gunpoint): “Tell em, nigga!!”

    Phuque: “But dawg I–”

    Crazy88: “READ THE NOTE!!!”

    Phuque: “Ok ok…*reads aloud* Alumnah dot com does not have a mission. Ya’ll niggas can do…um…whats that say?”

    Crazy88: “WHATEVER!!”

    Phuque: “Whatever….ya’ll…..want.”

  8. LOL yes twisted.. and souljaboytellem. com is cool but Alumnah for the children.. and young adults.. and elderly.. and foreigners.. and Eskimos.. basically we got something for everyone is what im trying to get across here

  9. Alumnah is a cultural cornucopia of delectable digital delights.

    ^ mission statement!


    Crazy88 (holding Phuque @ gunpoint): “Tell em, nigga!!”

    Phuque: “But dawg I–”

    Crazy88: “READ THE NOTE!!!”

    Phuque: “Ok ok…*reads aloud* Alumnah dot com does not have a mission. Ya’ll niggas can do…um…whats that say?”

    Crazy88: “WHATEVER!!”

    Phuque: “Whatever….ya’ll…..want.”

  10. LOL yes twisted.. and souljaboytellem. com is cool but Alumnah for the children.. and young adults.. and elderly.. and foreigners.. and Eskimos.. basically we got something for everyone is what im trying to get across here

  11. i got mad love for my eskimo readers


    My first crib was a igloo….but thats mainly because we couldn’t afford heat…

    *rimshot (nh)*

    Here all week, folks….twice on Tuesdays….

  12. i got mad love for my eskimo readers


    My first crib was a igloo….but thats mainly because we couldn’t afford heat…

    *rimshot (nh)*

    Here all week, folks….twice on Tuesdays….

  13. No Barney Rubble sure as shit ain’t EngRep. Barney Rubble = chea

    LOL @ igloo… I wanna spend a night in an igloo.. too bad it will never snow again.

    ^^You need to holla at nation

    *daps Scribbleman*

    Music I like other than hip hop =

    Kings of Leon
    Lightspeed Champion
    80’s music (some of)

  14. No Barney Rubble sure as shit ain’t EngRep. Barney Rubble = chea

    LOL @ igloo… I wanna spend a night in an igloo.. too bad it will never snow again.

    ^^You need to holla at nation

    *daps Scribbleman*

    Music I like other than hip hop =

    Kings of Leon
    Lightspeed Champion
    80’s music (some of)

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