Photo of Beaten and Bruised Rihanna Leaked to Web as LAPD Continues Investigation

Ever since signer Chris Brown was arrested 2 weeks ago for assaulting his girlfriend Rihanna gossip rags and internet blogs have been chopping at the bit for a glimpse of the “Disturbia” singer.

While Rihanna has not been seen in public since the incident, a photo of the signer, taken be LAPD officers the night of the assault, has surfaced on the gossip website TMZ.

The photo reveals a very badly beaten Rihanna with swelling to her forehead and lacerations to her cheeks and lips.

While the photo goes a long way to satisfying curious fans it hasn’t gone over too well with LAPD brass, which have launched and internal investigation to find the individual responsible for leaking the image.

Update (3:10pm): In light of the leaked photo, a statement was released from Rihanna’s camp:

“At the request of the authorities, Rihanna is not commenting about the incident involving Chris Brown. She wants to assure her fans that she remains strong, is doing well, and deeply appreciates the outpouring of support she has received during this difficult time.”

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