Retailers Force Rihanna to Change Album Title

Pop star Rihanna has decided to change the title of her upcoming album, this after some top retailers bulked at the album’s original title, Such a F–king Lady.


In an interview on the cable music channel Fuse Rihanna, who’s tweaked her image to a more racy and edgy look since emerging from the turmoil of the assault she suffered at the hands of ex-boyfriend, signer Chris Brown, said she decided to call the album R Rated to appease retailers after many said they would not stock the CD under the original title, “I actually wanted to name my album, Such a F–king Lady, but a couple of stores, a couple of major outlets didn’t allow that… That was the title for a while, but Rated R made more sense because of the overall story. It’s a movie really, the album. But Such a F–king Lady – we take everything back to that – especially in our style.”

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