The results were announced Saturday morning after states like Arizona and Georgia completed their ballot counts and Biden passed the 270 electoral votes needed to win the race.
Pennsylvania put Biden over the top. Early on election night Trump led the state by 600,000 votes, mainly because in-person, election day votes were counted first, and many of those voters (mostly rural republicans) cast their votes for Trump. Early voting and mail-in ballots were counted last.
By late Tuesday night, the tide had turned for Biden as mail-in ballots started pouring in from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, both strong Democratic strongholds, and once Biden took the lead, there was no turning back.

The historic significance that black women played in this election shouldn’t be overlooked. Kamala Harris will be both the first female vice president and the first woman of color to hold this position. Women like Stacey Abrams are also being credited for bringing the state of Georgia home for Democrats for the first time since Bill Clinton won the state in 1992. Abrams led a campaign registered 800,000 new voters.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiLR4sCgvnc&w=560&h=315]