Highly formulated political opinion or racism?

Here is a video that I found interesting. I do tend to typically stay away from politricks, but some of yall mofo’s might appreciate this.

[pro-player]youtube ODaxZSz3Awg[/pro-player]

Now racism is as slippery a slope as politics, word to the random various conversations I’ve had with multiple people where both topics were touched upon. Now trust me… I’m the last person to care about what random people think or care about because I find most people don’t take the time to study up fully on a subject and cling to one side or point like it’s a life preserver and any other point of view is the deep pacific. This sort of one sided thinking is even evident in the comment section of this video.

“Oh so blacks vote for Obama it’s change, but whites don’t and it’s racism. What a double standard” to paraphrase a general idea shared by these people.

Without getting on a soapbox, because I’m not here to preach or teach anyone at this point or forum, I’d like to exhibit the general closed mindedness the average American shares, but the video speaks for itself. When asked why they wont vote for Obama, one woman, who was a life long democrat said, “well I want to vote for an american”.

It must not have dawned on her that you Need to be American to run for the presidency. Something you typically learn in grade school. When posed with that fact she said.. “we’ll I simply don’t believe that”. Like WTF?

Watch and feel free to comment… you agree with this video, disagree, inquiring minds want to know.

  1. of all the fuckery in that video, that lady in the yellow shirt was the WORST.

    and at least that old lady that spoke last… kept it real about how she felt.

    oh and that old ass woman in the denim jacket talking about obama not knowing the star spangled banner. WTF.

  2. of all the fuckery in that video, that lady in the yellow shirt was the WORST.

    and at least that old lady that spoke last… kept it real about how she felt.

    oh and that old ass woman in the denim jacket talking about obama not knowing the star spangled banner. WTF.

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