Ex-NBA Star Jason Williams Tasered by Cops, On Suicide Watch

Jason Williams’ storybook life continues to spiral out of control as the once admired basketball star is now on a suicide watch.

Jason Williams

The former star New Jersey Nets player, who retired from the game in 2000, has been embroiled in controversy for nearly the past few years, starting with the February 2002 shotgun murder of his driver, Costas “Gus” Christofi, during a party at Williams’ Alexandria Township, N.J., mansion, in which Williams is suspected of being the trigger man.

Williams stood trial for Christofi’s murder in 2004 and was acquitted of aggravated manslaughter, but the jury was deadlocked on a reckless manslaughter count. Williams has been free on bail pending a retrial.

Last year his wife and moth of his two children, Tanya Young Williams, filed for divorce sighting her husband’s adultery, abuse and drug problems.

In the latest incident, police were called to a hotel room in lower Manhattan at 4 a.m. Monday (Apr. 27) by a female acquaintance of Williams who stated the 41-year-old was acting suicidal.

Police on the scene reported that Williams appeared drunk and agitated. The officers took note of several empty bottles of prescription drugs and suicide notes left around the room.

Cops tasered Williams after attempts to calm him were unsuccessful, and took him to St. Vincent’s hospital for evaluation.

Speaking to TMZ Williams’ attorney, Joe Hayden, tried to downplay and talk of suicide, saying he had “no knowledge of a suicide attempt,” and that his client was hospitalized with a “medical condition.”

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