Innocent Video Taken by Lebron James Leads to Police Investigation

Lebron James
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Sometimes it isn’t a good idea to brag on social media about the perks of being one of the richest and most famous basketball players on earth. Lebron James recently posted a video that he took from the back seat of car as it was being ushered through heavy traffic on its way to Sun Life Stadium in Miami to see Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake‘s “Legends of the Summer” tour.

James posted the following quote along with a video of the escort service on his Instagram page: They treat us so well, needed it cause traffic was nuts. Although Lebron may have thought this was okay, the Miami-Dade Police Department has now begun an investigation to look into why the officers involved chose to help the basketball star beat the traffic in order to get to the concert on time.

The Miami-Dade police department issued the following statement:

“It has been brought to our attention that a video was posted on the internet by Lebron James, a professional basketball player, where it shows him being escorted onto the property of Sun Life Stadium. Upon further investigation, it has been confirmed that Miami-Dade police facilitated Mr. James from one intersection to another in the adjacent area of the stadium. His was not a scheduled escort and although all safety precautions were taken, the department has identified these actions as violated department policies.”

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