Netflix PR chief fired for using N-word in meeting

Jonathan Friedland

Netflix just gave it’s chief communications officer the boot.

According to the Hollywood Reporter Jonathan Friedland, has been fired after repeated use of the N-word.

Friedland apparently first spouted the racial slur in a meeting with staffers, who reported the incident.

Jonathan Friedland with Reed Hastings
Netflix CEO and founder, Reed Hastings, right, with Jonathan Friedland, left.
In a separate meeting to discuss the original meeting where the epithet was used, Friedland thought it’d be ok to again say the N-word. Those are huge errors for a company’s chief communications officer, and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings took immediate action, firing Friedland. “His descriptive use of the N-word on at least two occasions at work showed unacceptably low racial awareness and sensitivity,” Hastings said in a statement.

Friedland headed to Twitter to say his goodbyes.

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