Is Publishing Dead…

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Maybe Young Nasir was ahead of his time..

Recently someone asked me “What do I know/think about starting a magazine” and I responded in kind with a well thought out reply spilling forth my modest experience in the publishing arena. I realized this is Alumnah material so if you want a semi-insider’s look at publishing, here we go.

First to qualify why I know shit from shine-ola regarding the publishing field, I spent years writing for and eventually co-managing an independent magazine based out of Brooklyn NY. I also freelanced for some of the bigger urban publications, (Source, XXL,Vibe) on medium pieces to small blurbs, and the two things I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt is WRITING is simultaneously the most necessary and most overlooked skill someone can have. In case you want a point of reference… that little writers strike going on that shut down half of television. Yea.. that’s kinda what I’m hinting at. And two, putting out a magazine is a labor of blood, sweat and tears.

First I will go over the rudimentary steps needed to start your magazine if you’re so inclined.

The first thing you need to know is your target audience. That in itself sounds simple enough, but lets break it down further. A Mag like Playboy is obviously catering towards men. A magazine like details caters to men as well. The beauty of running a magazine, as far as advertisers were once concerned, is they can hit a highly specialized demographic with a sense of accuracy. Think.. is it mens music, mens fashion, mens health? There is almost no limit to how specialized you can get. To prove a point there is a magazine that comes out bi-monthly dedicated to those who like to hunt turkeys.

After you got the topic down, now it is time to assemble a team. At the very bare minimum you’d need a capable writer. You can get stock photos or steal high resolution shit off the internet, you can even lay the text and photos out in a simple word document. Want to keep it as low budget as possible, you can even print the shit out on a photo copier at the job after the boss leaves for the day (ex. F.E.D.S. magazine) , but if it isn’t worth reading, it isn’t fit to print.

Not to say that some stuff has gotten past a not so critical eye when it comes to publishing, but I’m speaking in general terms. I’ll go more in depth on the degradation of the art later on.

Now assuming you wish to start a mag, you probably fancy your pen game or camera skills somewhat and think “shit I can do this” and maybe you can, but you’ll need to assemble more than an army of one if you want to make a serious go.

Writers, Editors, Photographers, Art Director, Lay out person, Admin, Distribution, PR, and Editor in Chief.

In my particular experience getting people to jump on board was easy, getting them to stay was hard. On the indy level its more about getting a photo or writers credit rather than a pay check or even pay per word scenario. At most we had 12 staff and at the least we had 2. So all those positions I listed were either helped by me or done by me at some point.

Now lets assume that staff isn’t an issue, Printing a magazine is a very expensive thing to accomplish if you aren’t backed by an investor or good enough with the money that you don’t mind spending thousands upon thousands to see your idea possibly take off one day.

Once the articles, interviews and opinion pieces are written and laid out with either stock or original photography, it’s off to the printing press. Printing stateside is more expensive than printing overseas in countries such as Japan, China etc. Yet both have their pro’s and cons. If you print in Brooklyn and you’re based in Brooklyn, if there is a problem with the color scheme you choose for your cover, you can head down to the office and sit there till something you can mess with is produced. (I’ve done that on numerous occasions, sometimes to the tune of 12 hours and the end result was still not to our specific liking) or you can go overseas and save money, the quality in Japan for instance, based on my experience is much better than anything I’ve ever found stateside. The drawback to that was waiting 3 weeks for a ship to arrive with your magazines. Is the content still relevant? Was it worth the savings in money to lose time?

Not to mention a 10,000 copy run will cost you about 18 grand, depending on the stock or thickness of paper, whether its perfect bound (the mags we’re used to seeing) or saddle stitched (the mags that are bound with staples), depending on the page count etc.

Lets assume staff and money to print and have shit sent air mail is not an issue, so now what? You have 10,000 copies (and 10,000 is a small number compared to what the major publications do, but this is for the purpose of someone who is ideally just starting out) of the latest Lil Wayne cover. If you’d give Lil Wayne a cover of your brand new mag kill yourself now.. I’ll wait.

*gets pop tarts*

Ok.. you have 10k copies of your sure shot can’t miss (insert rapper/actor/celebrity here) cover. What do you do with them. You need distribution. It’s always wise to start locally. If you insist on broadening your reach from jump try to at least stay regionally. The thing is to understand your market, but you also want to have a decent return in news stand sales. The average magazine will sell 20% of the copies at news stands on a good run. The rest get returned to the publisher. Now if your a new or relatively small magazine the distributor will not give you any money up front. Rather you supply the product for, lets say 4 dollars an issue. Lets assume your run was less than stellar @ 10% so you sell 1000 copies, the gross profit is 4g’s they take 2 off of the top, so that leaves you with… yup 2g’s.

While it is important to be visible on newsstands to build buzz, that isn’t where you make your money. That comes from subscriptions, but more from Advertisers.

When I was running around with the day to day business ish, advertisers were paying 10 cents per 100 readers for ads, or at least that is how the formula broke down. So a magazine like Sports Illustrated who at the time had 3 million readers… would get 300k per page ad. You can see a more specific breakdown on their rate card. (I used S.I. as an example based on 1 how well known it is and 2 the ease of mining the data since  relevant  urban mags guard that shit like govt secrets)

*Image taken from Sports Illustrated’s 2006-2007 Rate Card*

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Of course S.I. charges different prices for a black and white ad or a 4 color press ad and they give you different breaks if you get a 2 page spread or ad etc. However working in the examples so far given your magazine only has 10,000 copies per issue, but only 1000 readers resulting in any ad sales to be 100 per page and that is if you can find someone who wants to advertise with you. On your end you should want someone who has an ad that wont compromise the look you have for your magazine. However this stigma works both ways. Big time advertisers wont even place free ads in most cases, in a magazine if they feel it doesn’t fit their standard of excellence.

Ok so all things considered peachy keen.. you got your mags printed real nice and shit, the distributor got you for less than half of the cost, and your selling 20% of an expanded 50k press. Even considering that..

I think it makes a shit load more sense to go online. for MANY reasons

1) overhead.. you can realistically run a website solo and make it look presentable for MUCH LESS than a monthly or even Bi-monthly magazine.

2) web traffic > news stands.. sure it is great to be visible on news stands and it feels more authentic, but the reality is unless your distribution is Hudson (one of the larger distributors) or someone of that caliber, chances are you’ll be seen in midtown, but not uptown, in Brooklyn, but not Queens. The sheer ease of getting the word out about a website, though tedious, if the content is on point is considerably easier and the range for obvious reasons is exponentially better.

3) probably the biggest advantage is the highly specialized data regarding readers. Advertisers love that shit considering they spend a lot of money annually to do market research on their demographic depending upon the product. With a website that data is a click away depending upon what data traffic monitors you have in place.

Now don’t get me wrong the web has its drawbacks. I mean there is Sooo much shit on here who can keep track of whats legitimately good and whats bullshit. (the ratio on that is 99:1) But it wasn’t so much the web killing publishing as publishing killing itself.

Eventually there comes a time when technology equalizes the playing field and people with less talent than money can create product and flood a market with weak shit. We see it happen all the time in music. There was a vast influx of independent magazines that simply lacked the look and feel of a polished publication. Before blogging became popular cheap indy magazines were the place where poor resolution similar photos would pop up coupled with shitty writing and no aim of vision to the mag itself. The writing took a sharp decline, the photography wasn’t original or creative and the content was saturating an already saturated market. Publishing was a victim of itself as far as urban publications go (that is the field I’m most versed in, I never tried to crack into the Turkey Hunters market).

In the end the media reflected the mind state of the music, hustlers stopped rapping and started “writing”. The shit with publishing though, you need to be consistent. Eventually all these pretenders to the throne fell off, by this time though, when new publications of note became available, the net seized the opportunity to take a foot hold. I mean even the big boys get it wrong sometimes as we have seen Scratch Magazine close its doors and opt for a web presence.

So in the end, I feel the internet killed publishing.. Like it will kill TV. Of course this is a very basic breakdown on the mag business with ideal scenarios being in place. You get to mingle with celebs, go to fancy parties and go home extra quiet so as not to wake the landlord because you used the rent money to get the issue out on time, while you feast on ramen noodles.. not even cooked because you didn’t pay the gas bill. I’m just saying with the good comes the bad.

Be on the look out for my adventures in publishing series.

  1. i Fux aka Etheraldinho aka Farouq Obama aka the Immaculate Ejaculate aka Pretty Hue aka Slick Dick Johnson aka That Nigga!
    January 17th, 2008 at 2:17 pm 5
    I might be getting ahead of myself but i have that feeling Alumnah is going to blow …….What ya’ll think? But we need somebody dropping that new music here and handling that lane


    you need to find you a nerdy, white, snot-nosed college kid whose torrent game is nice and can always get his hands on exclusives (*cough*…nation…*cough*)

  2. i Fux aka Etheraldinho aka Farouq Obama aka the Immaculate Ejaculate aka Pretty Hue aka Slick Dick Johnson aka That Nigga!
    January 17th, 2008 at 2:17 pm 5
    I might be getting ahead of myself but i have that feeling Alumnah is going to blow …….What ya’ll think? But we need somebody dropping that new music here and handling that lane


    you need to find you a nerdy, white, snot-nosed college kid whose torrent game is nice and can always get his hands on exclusives (*cough*…nation…*cough*)

  3. either that or just post new shit when it pops up on other blogs (2dopeboyz, stuntin on prose)

    that’s what most other blogs do (including es sometimes)

  4. either that or just post new shit when it pops up on other blogs (2dopeboyz, stuntin on prose)

    that’s what most other blogs do (including es sometimes)

  5. Fux aka Etheraldinho aka Farouq Obama aka the Immaculate Ejaculate aka Pretty Hue aka Slick Dick Johnson aka That Nigga!
    January 17th, 2008 at 2:46 pm 10
    I could just Dl and up shit myself but then I am a busy dude and cant do that ish all day


    also ask yourself why the fuck would you want to

    you guys are a commentary blog

    i mean out of all of the late breaking Flo Rida ft. Rick Ross or Jim Jones ft. Weezy or any other shit, how much of it gets bumped after the day it drops

    ask yourself why would you kill hours upon hours dropping exclusives nobody gives a fuck about when you could provide good commentary that engages people

    i fucking hate bol but i have to hand it to him, he has mad readers off of real world summaries lol

    that nahgger never dropped an exclusive zshare for as long as i can remember but he just built his shit up by having what other people consider a good voice

  6. Fux aka Etheraldinho aka Farouq Obama aka the Immaculate Ejaculate aka Pretty Hue aka Slick Dick Johnson aka That Nigga!
    January 17th, 2008 at 2:46 pm 10
    I could just Dl and up shit myself but then I am a busy dude and cant do that ish all day


    also ask yourself why the fuck would you want to

    you guys are a commentary blog

    i mean out of all of the late breaking Flo Rida ft. Rick Ross or Jim Jones ft. Weezy or any other shit, how much of it gets bumped after the day it drops

    ask yourself why would you kill hours upon hours dropping exclusives nobody gives a fuck about when you could provide good commentary that engages people

    i fucking hate bol but i have to hand it to him, he has mad readers off of real world summaries lol

    that nahgger never dropped an exclusive zshare for as long as i can remember but he just built his shit up by having what other people consider a good voice

  7. instead of getting in every lane just get in a couple lanes and go extra hard

    basically jump dead off in that ass and blow it up

  8. instead of getting in every lane just get in a couple lanes and go extra hard

    basically jump dead off in that ass and blow it up

  9. Well scribed…To further your point I’d imagine TMZonline and the TMZshow generate more money than say a Star or maybe even National Enquirer and that’s just counting overhead…Maybe?

  10. Word to the Camel trying to be human



    btw you need to import all of the posts and comments from your previous blog to this one

    those archives have lots of buried treasures

    sometimes i would just log on and go deep into the treasure trove and find a fabe dogg story that would have me rolling

    you have to let people go deep, that’s what the people want

  11. Well scribed…To further your point I’d imagine TMZonline and the TMZshow generate more money than say a Star or maybe even National Enquirer and that’s just counting overhead…Maybe?

  12. Word to the Camel trying to be human



    btw you need to import all of the posts and comments from your previous blog to this one

    those archives have lots of buried treasures

    sometimes i would just log on and go deep into the treasure trove and find a fabe dogg story that would have me rolling

    you have to let people go deep, that’s what the people want

  13. yep, i hit nah for some new daily tracks, listen once and dont even download them. also to see whos in the thread. thats it. i head over here to read good shit from several unique voices.

  14. yep, i hit nah for some new daily tracks, listen once and dont even download them. also to see whos in the thread. thats it. i head over here to read good shit from several unique voices.

  15. Sean Coonery Says:

    January 17th, 2008 at 3:59 pm
    Gook = Demeaning term used by U.S. soldiers to describe the inferior Vietnamese and Koreans

    Chink = Chinese Guy with Squinting Sleepy Eyes

    I use both every now and then…and I have a multitude of Asian friends..

    Its all jokes…though….

    Racism will always exist….

    In the south they call black people Jigga-Boos…you don’t see me crying about it…

  16. Sean Coonery Says:

    January 17th, 2008 at 3:59 pm
    Gook = Demeaning term used by U.S. soldiers to describe the inferior Vietnamese and Koreans

    Chink = Chinese Guy with Squinting Sleepy Eyes

    I use both every now and then…and I have a multitude of Asian friends..

    Its all jokes…though….

    Racism will always exist….

    In the south they call black people Jigga-Boos…you don’t see me crying about it…

  17. thanks loco.. n you’re right. shit tmz got the game on smash with that tv show.. but the thing is.. for a venture like that you need a strong brand or strong individual opinions

  18. thanks loco.. n you’re right. shit tmz got the game on smash with that tv show.. but the thing is.. for a venture like that you need a strong brand or strong individual opinions

  19. if you don’t have faith that the writers at alumnah have strong personal opinions then this blog lost already

  20. if you don’t have faith that the writers at alumnah have strong personal opinions then this blog lost already

  21. I might be getting ahead of myself but i have that feeling Alumnah is going to blow …….What ya’ll think? But we need somebody dropping that new music here and handling that lane

    ^ do we though? i mean alot of other spots do that.. think our exclusives cone from a more cerebral level (sorta)

  22. I might be getting ahead of myself but i have that feeling Alumnah is going to blow …….What ya’ll think? But we need somebody dropping that new music here and handling that lane

    ^ do we though? i mean alot of other spots do that.. think our exclusives cone from a more cerebral level (sorta)

  23. I had the hardest nigga out, circle yo crib bitch and whatnot. I got frequent flier mileage its nothing. My Opinion is my opinion if you dont like it dont read it(like tons of people). I goes impeccably hard ask around I dont even lubricate thats for the birds. BRB

  24. lol at bk and greenie having some deep discussion over my comment — all i’m referring to is the statement that TMZ is winning b/c they have strong personal opinions

    and btw i’m a minority too……helloooooooooooo…..unless the majority of america is 1/2 hispanic and 1/2 arab for fucks sake lol

  25. lol at bk and greenie having some deep discussion over my comment — all i’m referring to is the statement that TMZ is winning b/c they have strong personal opinions

    and btw i’m a minority too……helloooooooooooo…..unless the majority of america is 1/2 hispanic and 1/2 arab for fucks sake lol

  26. fuck if i know, bk is the one who said they had strong personal opinions!


    this discussion is becoming that whole who’s on first thing that you had to read in grade school

    aight anyway if you read back thru this thread (and everything else i’ve posted on alumnah), all i’ve been doing since day 1 is big upping this blog

  27. lol i know ur minority chea.. i was again makin a generalization.. sometimes i find your commentary to be jovial and insightful…

    *heads to garden*
    *suits up*
    *dunks from half court*
    *shatters backboard*

  28. fuck if i know, bk is the one who said they had strong personal opinions!


    this discussion is becoming that whole who’s on first thing that you had to read in grade school

    aight anyway if you read back thru this thread (and everything else i’ve posted on alumnah), all i’ve been doing since day 1 is big upping this blog

  29. lol i know ur minority chea.. i was again makin a generalization.. sometimes i find your commentary to be jovial and insightful…

    *heads to garden*
    *suits up*
    *dunks from half court*
    *shatters backboard*

  30. I beg attimes for pussy. ie. Bitch in my ride sort of drunk and reluctant

    i Say “just let me put the tip in to marinate then I will masterbate”
    she says “what the fuck”
    i say “just the tip girl promise”

    She says “just the tip right”

    I say “yes I just need your juice on it”
    she says “ok”

  31. I beg attimes for pussy. ie. Bitch in my ride sort of drunk and reluctant

    i Say “just let me put the tip in to marinate then I will masterbate”
    she says “what the fuck”
    i say “just the tip girl promise”

    She says “just the tip right”

    I say “yes I just need your juice on it”
    she says “ok”

  32. Good post BK. The web is a monster and it will eventually kill everything. Magazine publishing “was” an important part of our culture. While broadband internet service signaled the end of that industry I think it died much quicker that it would have, mainly because of the dinosaurs who run the industry and are afraid of change (also the case with the music business and on a smaller but growing extent, the movie business) This is a new world, being run with an old world business model.

    Magazine publishers killed them selves by not embracing the web and being among the first to provide content for it (they already had access to talented writers, photog, etc.) The same way the Hollywood honchos are shooting themselves in the foot by not negotiating with the people who create the products they make billions off of.

    The thing is, these heads of industry (publishing, music, movies) no long control the vehicle of delivery. Fact is because of the internet streaming at high speed in a lot more homes an artist no longer needs a record label and writers don’t need magazines and movie studios as much as those industries need them.

    Again, good post.

  33. Good post BK. The web is a monster and it will eventually kill everything. Magazine publishing “was” an important part of our culture. While broadband internet service signaled the end of that industry I think it died much quicker that it would have, mainly because of the dinosaurs who run the industry and are afraid of change (also the case with the music business and on a smaller but growing extent, the movie business) This is a new world, being run with an old world business model.

    Magazine publishers killed them selves by not embracing the web and being among the first to provide content for it (they already had access to talented writers, photog, etc.) The same way the Hollywood honchos are shooting themselves in the foot by not negotiating with the people who create the products they make billions off of.

    The thing is, these heads of industry (publishing, music, movies) no long control the vehicle of delivery. Fact is because of the internet streaming at high speed in a lot more homes an artist no longer needs a record label and writers don’t need magazines and movie studios as much as those industries need them.

    Again, good post.

  34. I beg attimes for pussy. ie. Bitch in my ride sort of drunk and reluctant

    i Say “just let me put the tip in to marinate then I will masterbate”
    she says “what the fuck”
    i say “just the tip girl promise”

    She says “just the tip right”

    I say “yes I just need your juice on it”
    she says “ok”

    ^ SMH @ the silly hos.

  35. I beg attimes for pussy. ie. Bitch in my ride sort of drunk and reluctant

    i Say “just let me put the tip in to marinate then I will masterbate”
    she says “what the fuck”
    i say “just the tip girl promise”

    She says “just the tip right”

    I say “yes I just need your juice on it”
    she says “ok”

    ^ SMH @ the silly hos.

  36. eskay
    January 17th, 2008 at 3:45 pm 40
    Good post BK.

    >>that’s what most other blogs do (including es sometimes)

    ^stop, I’m standing right here.


    that wasn’t a diss, G

    don’t pretend like you don’t be posting shit that you heard off of youheardthatnew and other sites

    i mean let’s be clear — you give credit where it’s due — i’m just saying

  37. eskay
    January 17th, 2008 at 3:45 pm 40
    Good post BK.

    >>that’s what most other blogs do (including es sometimes)

    ^stop, I’m standing right here.


    that wasn’t a diss, G

    don’t pretend like you don’t be posting shit that you heard off of youheardthatnew and other sites

    i mean let’s be clear — you give credit where it’s due — i’m just saying

  38. lol at fux

    he ate his lunch, he took a “wonderfully full dump” (c) fux after drinking pomegranite juice

    and now he’s back, wilin’ out

    this cat is the energizer bunny [\] of posting

  39. lol at fux

    he ate his lunch, he took a “wonderfully full dump” (c) fux after drinking pomegranite juice

    and now he’s back, wilin’ out

    this cat is the energizer bunny [\\\] of posting

  40. It takes 3 muscles to smile and 32 to frown
    @ chea

    We do what we like to do and then we out
    But lately I’ve been havin the strangest feelings
    Your boy Young Hov’ catchin feelings
    and it’s messin up my dealings cause mami’s not willin
    Said, “We was just ‘sposed to hook up and have a glass”
    She called me her emergency dick-in-the-glass
    Hehehe.. I had to laugh for a second
    Had to check myself, get my mackin back in perspective
    I slack for a second but I’m back, no question
    Like I walk with a cane, ain’t no half-steppin!

  41. It takes 3 muscles to smile and 32 to frown
    @ chea

    We do what we like to do and then we out
    But lately I’ve been havin the strangest feelings
    Your boy Young Hov’ catchin feelings
    and it’s messin up my dealings cause mami’s not willin
    Said, “We was just ‘sposed to hook up and have a glass”
    She called me her emergency dick-in-the-glass
    Hehehe.. I had to laugh for a second
    Had to check myself, get my mackin back in perspective
    I slack for a second but I’m back, no question
    Like I walk with a cane, ain’t no half-steppin!

  42. “Yo by Fall I mean I am starting to like her on a different level I am not accumstomed too”

    i think some troll took over iFux’s computer

    i’m bout to fly to san diego and kick this troll’s ass

    because my brother fux never used to love these ho’s and now he done turnt into a fucking romeo

    i’m going to start calling you romeo homie

    tony romeo

  43. “Yo by Fall I mean I am starting to like her on a different level I am not accumstomed too”

    i think some troll took over iFux’s computer

    i’m bout to fly to san diego and kick this troll’s ass

    because my brother fux never used to love these ho’s and now he done turnt into a fucking romeo

    i’m going to start calling you romeo homie

    tony romeo

  44. yo real spit i was talking to this girl the other day and she had the most lovely eyelashes

    i felt like she could be the woman i always wanted in life

  45. yo real spit i was talking to this girl the other day and she had the most lovely eyelashes

    i felt like she could be the woman i always wanted in life

  46. like our spirits connected

    like all my worries fell away the second our eyes met and it was like the two of us floating in a plain of total bliss and companionship

    i never wanted to leave that place

  47. like our spirits connected

    like all my worries fell away the second our eyes met and it was like the two of us floating in a plain of total bliss and companionship

    i never wanted to leave that place

  48. you MUST pimp forever! if you HAVE TO.. find a fellow pimp, consolidate your pimpness and pimp together.. but you MUST ALWAYS PIMP

  49. you MUST pimp forever! if you HAVE TO.. find a fellow pimp, consolidate your pimpness and pimp together.. but you MUST ALWAYS PIMP

  50. BKScribe, is that all there is to life?

    are you telling me that pounding a total stranger who you just met whose skirt was hiked up two inches higher than it should be and who was wearing torn fishnet stockings with clear, 8-inch heels and who had no problem bringing her friend along in the backseat of your car surpasses the sheer joy of holding hands with the woman of your dreams and taking a walk on a beach, fully-clothed, enjoying one another’s embrace forever more?

  51. BKScribe, is that all there is to life?

    are you telling me that pounding a total stranger who you just met whose skirt was hiked up two inches higher than it should be and who was wearing torn fishnet stockings with clear, 8-inch heels and who had no problem bringing her friend along in the backseat of your car surpasses the sheer joy of holding hands with the woman of your dreams and taking a walk on a beach, fully-clothed, enjoying one another’s embrace forever more?

  52. LOL @ ^.. damn thas some eloquent shit.. and trust me im too lazy to pimp..

    besides… it aint a game out there..

    Its like a crap shoot (c) eddie murphy

  53. Yo first and foremost to my recollection I never said she was a hoe. Secondly I am fickle tomorrow she might say or do something and I done with her. But last night we were watching American Idol together and we had a blast talking shit and what not. I felt something different and then we made love for an hour or so. Terrific feelings I had.

  54. LOL @ ^.. damn thas some eloquent shit.. and trust me im too lazy to pimp..

    besides… it aint a game out there..

    Its like a crap shoot (c) eddie murphy

  55. Yo first and foremost to my recollection I never said she was a hoe. Secondly I am fickle tomorrow she might say or do something and I done with her. But last night we were watching American Idol together and we had a blast talking shit and what not. I felt something different and then we made love for an hour or so. Terrific feelings I had.

  56. i Fux aka Etheraldinho aka Farouq Obama aka the Immaculate Ejaculate aka Pretty Hue aka Slick Dick Johnson aka Jaguar Woods aka Bigs Cocksure
    January 17th, 2008 at 4:44 pm 71
    Yo first and foremost to my recollection I never said she was a hoe. Secondly I am fickle tomorrow she might say or do something and I done with her. But last night we were watching American Idol together and we had a blast talking shit and what not. I felt something different and then we made love for an hour or so. Terrific feelings I had.


    i applaud your honesty and wish you the greatest success in your romance with her

    fux, i encourage you reach deep into the annals of your heart and to explore your feelings for this woman – she very well could be your bride to be

  57. i Fux aka Etheraldinho aka Farouq Obama aka the Immaculate Ejaculate aka Pretty Hue aka Slick Dick Johnson aka Jaguar Woods aka Bigs Cocksure
    January 17th, 2008 at 4:44 pm 71
    Yo first and foremost to my recollection I never said she was a hoe. Secondly I am fickle tomorrow she might say or do something and I done with her. But last night we were watching American Idol together and we had a blast talking shit and what not. I felt something different and then we made love for an hour or so. Terrific feelings I had.


    i applaud your honesty and wish you the greatest success in your romance with her

    fux, i encourage you reach deep into the annals of your heart and to explore your feelings for this woman – she very well could be your bride to be

  58. by the way i was strolling through the sears tower starbucks this morn and i happened upon a lovely young lass whose scent tickled my fancy in a way that i have never quite felt before – fux, in your opinion, was it true love? should i invite her to watch idol with me?

  59. by the way i was strolling through the sears tower starbucks this morn and i happened upon a lovely young lass whose scent tickled my fancy in a way that i have never quite felt before – fux, in your opinion, was it true love? should i invite her to watch idol with me?

  60. barney, your harsh words are evidence of a heart that has been broken

    your sexual escapades have reaped you naught but hurt

    open your heart, my brother

    your brother fux has opened his heart – why not you?

  61. barney, your harsh words are evidence of a heart that has been broken

    your sexual escapades have reaped you naught but hurt

    open your heart, my brother

    your brother fux has opened his heart – why not you?

  62. alright enuf fuckery for one day

    real talk fux i was just kidding

    as you can see a ninger been married for years and got a son and a house and errything, so obviously i felt like that at one time for my chick but i think i just forgot that special feeling (but for the record i love her to death i juss dig skrippers and other assorted nasty women too)

    do you, holmes, honestly if she’s the one then pull the trigger

    and i never implied she was a hoe – when i said you never used to love these ho’s i meant that colloquially, not specifically with respect to the leaker – if you say she’s a good woman then obviously i co-sig that 1,000%

    holla back foo’s,
    till tomorrow,
    i’m out,

  63. alright enuf fuckery for one day

    real talk fux i was just kidding

    as you can see a ninger been married for years and got a son and a house and errything, so obviously i felt like that at one time for my chick but i think i just forgot that special feeling (but for the record i love her to death i juss dig skrippers and other assorted nasty women too)

    do you, holmes, honestly if she’s the one then pull the trigger

    and i never implied she was a hoe – when i said you never used to love these ho’s i meant that colloquially, not specifically with respect to the leaker – if you say she’s a good woman then obviously i co-sig that 1,000%

    holla back foo’s,
    till tomorrow,
    i’m out,

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