Jamie Foxx Sued by Would-Be Brain Surgeon

Jamie Foxx

A neuroscientist moonlighting as a bartender filed a lawsuit against Jamie Foxx claiming injuries he suffered at a 2007 event has altered his life.

William Presler was hired by Hollywood nightclub Social to tend bar at an event for the Academy Award winning actor.

In his suit Presler claims that because of a Vodka promotion, he was made to work at a bar made entirely of ice. As the night progressed, Presler claims, drunken patrons would drop their drinks, leaving broken glass near or around the bar. Presler states that he was directed not to pick up the broken glass and that the club’s manager instead opted to kick the glass along the side of the ice bar.

Presler contents that at towards the final moments of the party he fell and landed on the shattered glass, leaving a deep laceration on his left hand that required 170 stitched to close. Presler says he suffer severed nerve damage that effectively ended his dreams of becoming a brain surgeon.

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