OJ Simpson Files Appeal in Armed Robbery Conviction

O.J. Found Guilty
Photo: ResikY Me

7 months after being convicted and sentences in a Nevada court for the September 2007 armed robbery in a room at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, O.J. Simpson is hoping for a turn of good luck as he looks to the state’s Supreme Court to overturn his conviction on the grounds that he did not receive a fair trial.

In the appeals filing Simpson’s attorneys Yale Galanter and Malcolm LaVergne site judicial misconduct, insufficient evidence and a lack of racial diversity on the jury as reason why his conviction should be tossed out.

Simpson, 61, was found guilty of robbery and kidnapping charges after busting into the Vegas hotel room of two memorabilia dealers in an attempt to recover property he says belonged to him. He was sentenced to 15 to 33 years in prison.

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