Dame Dash accuses sexual battery accuser of extortion, Chris Brown of playing puppet master in Instagram video

Raquel Horn with Dame Dash

Dame Dash has responded to Monique Bunn’s $50 million civil lawsuit for sexual battery. Dash shared a lengthy video on Instagram (see it below) accusing the photographer of theft.

In the video, Dash’s partner Raquel Horn explains that she had sent Bunn to the store to buy some hard drives for a photo shoot she was doing for Poppington, Dash’s clothing line.

According to Dash and Horn, Bunn took the opportunity to buy an iPad worth $3,000, a 256GB iPhone, a CD reader, and other items. With the cost of the items purchased by Bunn totaling nearly $5,000. Dash and Horn confronted Bunn about the purchases on the night she charges he sexually battered her.

Dash reasons that the lawsuit is just part of a wider attempt to extort him. From dash’s point of view, the lawsuit is the perfect definition of a “black man being set up”. Dash also accused Chris Brown, an attorney he’s had legal issues with in the past, of being the mastermind of the whole thing, writing in the caption of his post

“…first they come into your house, then they try to rob you …when they get caught they try to make a good guy look like a bad guy ..then try to extort you… #chrisbrownthelawyer is clearly the ring leader of this conspiracy…this is his third lawsuit”

Anyone familiar with Dame’s ambush of Lee Daniels at Diana Ross‘s concert in 2018 knows Dame can finesse a situation with a video camera in ways that would make Chris Hansen jealous.

Going back to Bunn’s side of the story, the photographer claims that it was Dash who gave her the permission to buy whatever she needed for the job saying “Get what you need so you can get right,” something Dash denies.

On Thursday December 26th, Bunn filed a $50 million lawsuit accusing Dash of sexual battery. In court papers Bunn alleges that Dash placed his hands on the her breasts and buttocks while she was sleeping. She goes on to state that Dash could have been drunk and high on marijuana at the time.

The video evidence does not directly address the sexual battery claims, but the confrontation may put Bunn’s accusations in a different light.

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