While R. Kelly sits in a jail cell waiting for overdue justice for sexual abuse of underage girls, a former flame is ready to air out some dirty laundry.
Jocelyn Savage, one of two of Kelly’s live-in girlfriends, has turned on the once love of her life. Savage took to Instagram to announce that she has partnered with the crowdfunding membership platform Patreon to share the most intimate details of her life with Kelly for a small membership fee.
There have been many allegations of Kelly and the way he fancied underage women, and since the documentary, Surviving R. Kelly, those allegations have led to legal action.
Kelly faces a number of charges including child pornography and enticement of a minor charges, as well as a number of civil lawsuits. But through it all Savage, and girlfriend number 2, Azriel Clary, have stayed loyal to Kelly. This despite accusations from Savage’s family that she’s been brainwashed and heal captive by the pied piper, and pleas for her to return home.
So it’s great news that Savage has finally found the light and is doing a reversal of her support for Kells. In her Instagram post she notes that she’s doing this to save the lives of others, which makes the fact that she’s asking for money through Patreon really odd. If Kelly is a monster that she’s compelled to save young lives from, why charge for the info?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Heck if I know.