NFL says they are DONE with Colin Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick

Any chance Colin Kaepernick had of getting back into the NFL was shot down by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who said the league is moving on from the situation.

Kaepernick was invited to workout at the Atlanta Falcons stadium for a few NFL scouts this past November, but some sketchy language in the release document that Kaepernick had to sign, and lack of visibility (the NFL would not allow coverage of the event or permit Kaepernick’s team to record the workout) turned the entire thing into a circus.

The result was a workout in front of six NFL scouts on a high school field, which did not please Goodell and most of the NFL owners.

Now, Goodell says Kaepernick blew his opportunity to get back in the league, “This was about creating an opportunity. We created that opportunity. It was a unique opportunity, a credible opportunity, and he chose not to take it.” Goodell said, according to Reuters. “We’ve moved on,” the commissioner said, adding that the league was finished considering Kaepernick for future workouts or team roster openings.

For many, it is not a surprise. For many who thought the workout was just a dog and pony show put on by the NFL to shut up Kaepernick, this doesn’t come as a surprise.

Supporters and critics of both the NFL and Kaepernick thought it was a missed opportunity for Kap, with the likes of Stephen A. Smith and Terrell Owens having strong options on the situation.

Time will tell if the NFL will get any blowback from this latest news. Kaepernick has been out of the league for three years.

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