OJ Simpson Sentenced to 15-33 Years in Prison

Football legend OJ Simpson was sentenced to 15 – 33 years in prison by a Nevada judge yesterday (Dec. 5) for his role in a September 2007 armed robbery at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, he will be eligible for parole in 9 years.

Simpson and co-defendant C.J. Stewart were convicted on 12 counts of kidnapping and robbery on October 3. Stewart was also sentenced to 15 years behind bars.

From Msnbc.com:
A weary and beaten-looking O.J. Simpson was put away Friday for at least nine years — and perhaps the rest of his life — for an armed robbery in a hotel room, bringing a measure of satisfaction to those who believed the football star got away with murder more than a decade ago.

The 61-year-old Hall of Famer listened stone-faced, his wrists in shackles, as Judge Jackie Glass pronounced the sentence — 33 years behind bars with eligibility for parole after less than a third of that.

Moments before, Simpson made a rambling, five-minute plea for leniency, simultaneously apologizing for the holdup as a foolish mistake and trying to justify his actions.

He choked back tears as he told her: “I didn’t want to steal anything from anyone. … I’m sorry, sorry.”

The judge said several times that her sentence in the Las Vegas case had nothing to do with Simpson’s 1995 acquittal in the slaying of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.

“I’m not here to try and cause any retribution or any payback for anything else,” Glass said.

OJ addresses courtroom before sentencing:

Judge sentences OJ:


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